giovedì 28 maggio 2009

White Army Flash Mob

Alternative communication does make a difference.

On the 26th of May, just two days ago some people popped by the studios of Radio 105 in Milan to make a stand for the rights of the people who are experiencing the so called Forgotten Emergencies. The demonstration was organised by Medicins sans Frontiers to capture the sensitivity of the audience of the radio show "Lo Zoo".

The topic of discussion at "Lo Zoo" was incidentally the lack of seriety in everyday news programs;
Just one minute before the White Army crew arrived the radio hosts were discussing the "importance" of Carla Bruni in French politics or the "magnificent" new speedos of Fabrizio Corona. These issues are the main topics of Italy's broadcasted news rather than serious international and social matters like the crisis in Mynmar or the ever existing food and disease emergencies in Africa.
The Flash Mob pointed out that in today's news culture we prefer to hear or watch stories about superficial celebrity lives instead of being confronted with real and precise issues which could be resolved if only we knew about them or cared about them. The hosts of "Lo Zoo" interviewed Paola was one of the representatives of MSF, who explained the reason of the demonstration and the 10 forgotten emergencies which inspired this protest. (Listen to the interview download zoo.mp3)
None of these emergencies were discussed on the TV or the Radio in the last two and a half months, and, thanks to the White Army Flash Mob, were finally spoken about for the public to hear.

If you want to know more, Thompson Reuters website is constantly updating the top 10 forgotten emergencies at

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